Welcome to Farcaster! Here are some common questions we get from new users:

Why is it called Farcaster?

“Farcaster” is a reference to the 1989 science fiction novel “Hyperion” by American author Dan Simmons. In the novel, farcaster is a means of transportation which allows one to travel immense distances instantaneously, without any time delay. Farcaster’s logo is also inspired by this idea.


Who founded Farcaster?

Farcaster was founded in 2021 by Dan Romero (@dwr) and Varun Srinivasan (@v)

What does the purple check mean?

The purple check mark indicates users who have set their profile photo (pfp) to an NFT in a connected Ethereum address. More information on how to do that can be found here.

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How much does it cost to post?

Posting messages (casting / casts) to the Farcaster Protocol is completely free. All messages on Farcaster live off-chain, so there is no fee associated with writing to the protocol.

Is everything on-chain?